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Debunking Dating Myths

Debunking Dating Myths

A glimpse into the life of a single person often reveals a world full of speculation and prejudices. But how much truth is there really behind the widespread myths? As someone with insights into the dating world, I’d like to debunk some of these clichés and offer a more realistic perspective.

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Cheating in a partnership

Cheating in a partnership

In a relationship, trust and fidelity are essential pillars for shared happiness. But what happens if one of the partners commits this breach of trust?

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Genes and love

Genes and love

The human genome is a fascinating and complex topic that has occupied science for decades

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1×1 of dating

1×1 of dating

The first date is an exciting and thrilling moment. A great first date can be a wonderful start to a relationship, a bad first date can negatively affect the process of getting to know each other.

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long-distance relationships

long-distance relationships

Many people have had feelings for someone whose center of life was further away. When thinking about having a long distance relationship, questions arise such as: Will this relationship last?

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Inferiority-complexes in partnerships and relationships

Inferiority-complexes in partnerships and relationships

Everybody has a bad day occasionally, everything goes wrong, nothing succeeds, it literally would have been better to have stayed in bed in the morning. However, if feelings of unworthiness accompany you permanently and are constantly nourished by the need to get recognition, we speak of inferiority-complexes.

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Especially during the summertime, some involuntary singles, gladly convert to the group of voluntary singles. Because hardly any other season offers so much more contact opportunities, spontaneity, perceived freedom and joie de vivre.

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Online dating vs. traditional dating

Online dating vs. traditional dating

People older than Millennials know something that Millennials and the younger among them may not. They know what life was like before the Internet. More specifically, they know that there was a time when all couples met in the real world, not online.

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The so-called Singles Day is celebrated annually on November 11. It is officially a Chinese holiday where singles can show their pride in being single. It is also partlywidespread in Europe.

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Dating in Munich

Dating in Munich

Did you know that Munich is the third largest city in Germany after Berlin and Hamburg?
It is even the twelfth largest city in Europe. Munich is not only so attractive because of its large leisure and cultural offerings, but also as an important business location for national and international companies.

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7 Ways to Find Inner and True Happiness

7 Ways to Find Inner and True Happiness

Every time we see a gurgling baby or laughing toddler, we are reminded that we are all born with this natural and innate sense of happiness and that this happiness is actually our birthright.

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Should you date a second time

Should you date a second time

Many people agree that the physical chemistry has to be right for a relationship to be mutually fulfilling in the long run – but it’s hard to know when sparks will fly.

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There are 3 ways

There are 3 ways

Are you in a long-distance relationship and missing your love these days? Here are 3 ways to let her know she’s in your thoughts!

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