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Effects of parental conflicts on children – Domestic disputes

In families where conflict between parents is commonplace, these disputes can have far-reaching consequences for children. Parents are not only the most significant caregivers in a child’s life, but also authoritative role models for coping with conflict and stress. The way parents address these challenges can have a profound impact on their children’s emotional and mental health. This article highlights the many effects of parental disputes on children. It also presents valuable advice on how parents can avoid conflict and resolve it in a respectful manner to create a healthy environment for their children’s development.

Causes of conflicts between parents

Conflict between parents can arise for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most common causes:

  1. Communication problems: The basis for many conflicts is unclear communication, misunderstandings and lack of clarification of expectations.
  2. Financial stresses: Money worries and uncertainty about the family’s financial situation are often triggers for disputes.
  3. Parenting differences: Differing views on how to raise children can lead to tension, especially when different parenting styles clash.
  4. Stress and exhaustion: the pressure of everyday life, professional stress or exhaustion can increase irritability and lead to conflicts.
  5. Unresolved conflicts: long-term dissatisfaction in the relationship or unresolved problems can eventually erupt into disputes.

Practice a healthier dispute culture

To promote a respectful and constructive argument culture, parents should adhere to the following principles:

  1. Discuss only the MATTER at hand: When conflict arises, the focus should be on the matter at hand rather than launching personal attacks. This promotes respectful communication.
  2. Avoid loudness: Aggressive and loud arguments can frighten and upset children. By controlling their voices, parents create a calmer environment.
  1. No insults and personal attacks: it is crucial to respect the other person’s feelings and avoid insulting comments. The argument should be conducted on a factual level.
  2. Remain Respectful: Despite differing opinions, parents should treat each other with respect and courtesy to defuse conflicts.
  1. Listen and argue: Actively listening to one another and trying to understand the other’s perspective can help avoid accusations and make factual arguments.

Avoid conflicts proactively

Implementing this advice can not only avoid conflict, but also promote a healthier and more harmonious relationship between parents, which has a positive impact on children’s development. In addition, parents can be proactive in helping to prevent conflict:

  1. Practice clear communication: Open and honest communication is critical to avoid misunderstandings. Regular exchanges help prevent conflict from the start.
  1. Take time for yourself: Cultivating individual interests and hobbies helps reduce your own irritability and avoid conflicts in the relationship.
  1. Set common goals: Working on common goals strengthens the bond and reduces room for disagreement.
  1. Preventing conflict through planning: Careful planning can prevent conflict in some cases, such as creating a household budget that minimizes financial disputes or allocating household tasks in an equitable and structured manner.
  1. Showing mutual support: Parents should encourage and express appreciation for each other to create a positive and supportive atmosphere that reduces the risk of conflict.


The way parents handle conflict has a significant impact on their children’s emotional and mental health. A healthy argument culture can teach children how to resolve conflict in a respectful way. If parents are having difficulty establishing a respectful argument culture, or if conflict is shaping the general mood of the family, consideration should be given to seeking professional help. Couples therapy or family counseling can help find constructive ways to resolve conflict and improve the well-being of the entire family. The focus should always be on the fact that the well-being of the children depends significantly on a healthy and harmonious family environment.

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