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How to succeed in building a happy relationship

A happy relationship is a desirable goal for many people. But how do you succeed in building a lasting happy and fulfilling partnership? In this article, we would like to look at the various aspects that can help build and maintain a healthy relationship.

1. Expectations of a relationship

The first step on the way to a happy relationship is to clarify your own expectations. Each of us has ideas about what an ideal partnership should look like. These expectations can be varied, from emotional support to shared interests to future plans such as getting married, moving in together, or having children. It is important to clarify for yourself what your expectations are of a relationship, as this forms the basis for a successful partnership.

2. What is the best way to deal with different expectations?

It is almost inevitable that in a relationship two people will have different expectations due to their individual life experiences and personalities. This is where communication matters. Open and honest conversations are key to recognizing and understanding the differences. It is important to listen respectfully and respond empathically to the needs of your partner.


8 tips for behavior when expectations differ

  1. Active communication: Regularly talk about expectations and desires in the relationship.
  2. Show understanding: Try to understand your partner’s perspective, even if it differs from your own.
  3. Setting common goals: Define common goals and dreams to set a direction for the relationship.
  4. Respect and empathy: Treating each other with respect and showing empathy for your partner’s feelings.
  5. Time for yourself: Allowing each other space to pursue their own interests and hobbies.
  6. Shared interests: Finding activities that both enjoy and strengthen the relationship.

  7. Conflict resolution: Learning to resolve conflicts in a constructive way without hurting each other.

  8. Willingness to compromise: Be open to compromises that are fair to both.

3. Finding good compromises

In any relationship, compromise is crucial. Compromise allows both partners to meet their needs without neglecting the needs of the other. When looking for compromises, it is important to be flexible and find mutual solutions that suit both of you. It is helpful to focus on the common goals and values that strengthen the relationship.


A happy relationship requires work, patience, and a willingness to engage with your partner’s needs and expectations. If basic expectations cannot be met in a partnership, one should not hesitate to focus on oneself and one’s own needs. Sometimes it may be necessary to break away from a relationship and find a partner who better fits one’s expectations and goals. A fulfilling relationship should be a source of happiness, support and growth, and it is important not to get stuck in a partnership that does not meet these basic needs.

Do you still have questions about the topic – HOW TO BUILD A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP? Or do you need support in finding a partner? Inform yourself at any time, free of charge and without obligation about CS-Coaching/CS-Matchmaking.

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