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Heartbreak is one of the most unpleasant experiences one can go through in a relationship. It is a state of emotional pain and grief caused by the end of a relationship or unrequited love. Heartbreak can cause both physical and psychological symptoms and can have a negative impact on daily life and well-being. In this post, we will take a closer look at what heartbreak is, what symptoms are associated with it, and how to cure it.


Heartbreak is a colloquial term for the state of emotional pain triggered by the end of a relationship or unrequited love. It is a form of grieving that is often associated with feelings of sadness, loss, loneliness, and anxiety.


Heartbreak is a feeling of emotional pain often associated with the end of a relationship or unrequited love. It can make you feel restless, anxious, and unhappy. Sometimes it can also cause physical symptoms such as loss of appetite, sleep disturbances and fatigue.


Heartbreak can cause different symptoms that vary from person to person. Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Circling thoughts and constant brooding about the past relationship.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Sleep disturbances and fatigue
  • Sadness, hopelessness and dejection
  • Anxiety, insecurity and fear of loss
  • Withdrawal and social isolation
  • Aggression and anger
  • Difficulty concentrating and loss of performance

It is important to note that heartbreak is a normal process and that it is perfectly normal to feel bad after a relationship ends. However, if the symptoms last longer than a few weeks and affect daily life, it is important to seek professional help.


There are several ways to cure heartbreak. Here are four effective methods:

  • Engage in self-care: Focus on things that you enjoy and that distract you, such as exercise, reading, or meditation. Eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep can also help.
  • Spend time with loved ones: Spend time with family and friends to find support and comfort. Social interaction can help reduce negative thoughts and feelings.
  • Talk about your grief: share your feelings with someone you trust, like a therapist or close friend. This can help sort out your thoughts and calm you down.
  • Increase oxytocin levels: Oxytocin is a hormone often associated with bonding and social interaction. To increase your oxytocin levels, you can spend time with your pet, get a hug from a friend, or reminisce about positive experiences.


If heartbreak is not treated or lasts longer, it can lead to serious emotional and psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is important to seek professional help if you feel you cannot cope with heartbreak on your own.


Heartbreak is a normal reaction to the end of a relationship and can trigger a variety of symptoms, including circling thoughts, loss of appetite and weight loss, sadness, and dejection. There are several ways to heal heartbreak, such as self-care, spending time with loved ones, talking about the grief, and increasing oxytocin levels. However, it is important to note that prolonged heartbreak can lead to serious emotional and psychological problems and professional help should be sought.

Overall, there are many ways to deal with and heal heartbreak. However, it is important that you give yourself time to process your feelings and that you are not afraid to seek help from friends or professional counselors if you feel that you are not getting anywhere on your own. With patience and support, you can ultimately come out of this experience stronger and open to new love adventures in the future.  

Do you still have questions about the topic – heartbreak or do you need help? Do you need support in your search for a partner? Find out more about CS-Coaching at any time, free of charge and without obligation, or make your first, individual coaching appointment today.

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