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The Christmas Survival Guide for Relationships

The holiday season can be a challenging time for relationships. While Christmas is meant to bring people closer, it can sometimes lead to tensions. It’s a time of intense emotions that can result in conflicts and misunderstandings. Feeling suffocated or misunderstood within family environments is not uncommon. Additionally, the people one wishes to connect with might not be readily available. For individuals seeking to maintain peace within their families or sustain their relationships, this guide offers some tried-and-true tips.

1. Managing Relationships During Christmas

The festive time at home can be stressful, putting relationships to the test. Feeling more irritable is normal, but there are ways to safeguard one’s mental health.

   1a) Coping with Tensions During Christmas

There are various approaches to better cope with the holidays. Consider adopting these strategies:

–       Creating a personal sanctuary: A cozy space, whether in the bedroom or another room, can serve as a refuge to retreat to when needed.

–       Allowing space for each other: Respect that everyone needs their personal moments, whether for a conversation or relaxation. Don’t spend every minute together.

–       Showing kindness: Small gestures like cooking for housemates or assisting with tasks can uplift the mood.

–       Openly communicating feelings: Opening up to others and discussing fears or worries can help foster a closer bond.

–       Resolving conflicts early: Addressing conflicts directly in a calm manner can help avoid escalations.

–       Accepting the normalcy of disagreements: It’s normal to irk each other when spending a lot of time together.

2. Tailored Advice

     2a) Christmas with Family

–       Clear task distribution: Plan shared tasks like cooking or cleaning to minimize disputes.

–       Enjoying time: Try to view time with family as an opportunity for shared experiences.

–       Accepting differences: Acknowledge that disagreements are normal.

     2b) Christmas with Roommates

–       Staying social: Engaging in activities together can help grow closer even if feeling down.

–       Not dwelling on minor issues: Recognize that small annoyances often point to larger disagreements.

     2c) Christmas with a Partner

–       Creating shared time: A special evening can be a lovely way to come together.

–       Allocating personal time: Allowing space to maintain individuality.

–       Nurturing intimacy: Utilize the time to strengthen intimacy in the relationship.

3. Nurturing Relationships Despite Distance at Christmas

Having discussed relationships that are together, let’s explore the opposite. Some relationships might suffer as people celebrate separately. During the festive season, you likely miss your partner greatly or worry about what it might do to your friendships. So, what can you do to keep these relationships alive?

   3a) I miss my partner…

Try treating this time apart as a long-distance relationship and remember it won’t last forever. Regularly FaceTime or go old-fashioned by sending letters. And remember, if your relationship can withstand this separation, the future looks promising!

   3b) What about my friendships?

We won’t sugarcoat it; it’s tough missing your friends. But try to focus on how great it’ll be when you can meet again. Stay in touch regularly through social media, plan phone calls, and Zoom chats. Get creative with activities for your weekly/daily meetings. Try creating a quiz for your friends, exchanging skills (like painting or playing an instrument), or even hosting a karaoke night.


4. Coping with Being Alone at Christmas

Being alone at Christmas comes with a range of emotions. This is a time when we “should” be with others, but a solitary Christmas doesn’t necessarily have to be negative. In fact, there are many things you can do to celebrate a day just for yourself.

– Indulge in your favorite food (why not go against the grain and have Mexican?)

– Plan a movie night

– Engage in local volunteering

– Take a long walk and enjoy the quiet, empty streets

– Join our online community of young people and engage in conversation.


The Christmas Survival Guide for Relationships provides practical advice to tackle the challenges of the holiday season concerning relationships. It focuses on minimizing tensions in family and partnership settings by creating personal retreats, allowing space for each other, fostering communication, and addressing conflicts. The guide offers tailored tips for different types of relationships and emphasizes the importance of remote communication to maintain relationships despite physical separation. Additionally, it provides strategies for individuals spending Christmas alone to positively navigate this time by practicing self-care and engaging in activities. Overall, the guide promotes a holistic understanding of strengthening relationships and promoting well-being during the festive season.

Do you have any more questions on the topic of dealing with relationships at Christmas? Or do you need support in finding a partner? Feel free to inquire at any time for free and non-binding information about CS-Coaching/CS-Matchmaking.

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