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The difference between dating & flirting

There is a very big difference between “dating” and “flirting”.
In a nutshell: Dating is when two people go out to explore a possible relationship and explore it in public as a couple.
Flirting means acting towards someone as if you could be in love, but without momentary serious intentions.

What does DATING mean? 

The specific meaning of the term “dating” is unclear, but dating basically refers to the time when people want to find out whether or not their relationship should move towards a permanent one. People date to learn more about the other person’s nature, to test romantic feelings, and simply to spend quality time together. This date is then a meeting with someone you value and want to spend your precious time with. Dating can take place anywhere: going for a hike, having a picnic, going to the movies or out to eat – all of this is dating. Dating is about getting to know each other in order to find a suitable partner. Dates are short-lived, but the flirting can go on and on. You can flirt with anyone, but dating is over when you fully commit to a person and spend your time with your partner. However, there are no objective definitions of dating and flirting, it depends on how you understand your own nature and distinguish between true feelings and flirting.

What is FLIRTEN?

On the other hand, flirting involves a series of intimacies. Flirting is the natural tendency to behave or react in a certain way without being taught to do so; it is human behavior to react in this way. Flirting always conveys a superficial and light-hearted feeling, whereas in a serious relationship the emotions are much more deeply rooted. There are several aspects of flirting by which you can tell what kind of flirter you are:

  • Availability:
    • This is the easiest way to flirt, to give the personal information that you are single by asking the other person what they are doing that night or what their plans are for that Friday.
  • Joke:
    • Well, this is not just a sign of friendliness. Here, you try to be funny so that you can impress the other person with it.
  • Complimenting:
    • This is another one of those signs where a friend becomes an admirer.
  • Offer help or ask for help:
    • If someone tries to be helpful or do something for her or him without you asking, it’s a clear sign of flirting. It’s like “men tend to offer, women tend to ask”.
  • Face-to-face meetings:
    • If someone speaks to you intimately or in a low or confidential voice, it is a sign of flirtation. Normally, a friend’s voice is always higher.
  • Compare interests:
    • In any relationship, you always want to know what your partner is interested in and what he or she likes to do. This is another sign of flirting, to learn or compare the interests of the other.

When flirting, it depends on the person whether they just want to flirt or get into physical contact. Sometimes the other person can learn about the person’s intentions by the way you talk. Eye contact, the way one stands (especially in face-to-face contact) can remove many doubts, while in dating, eye contact is maintained for a longer period of time, with an intense emotion in the eyes. Mostly flirting is done at parties, celebrations or special occasions. On some occasions, such as New Year’s Eve or birthday parties, flirting behavior is more expected.


As mentioned earlier in the text, there are no objective definitions of dating and flirting and it really depends on how you understand your own nature and distinguish between true feelings and flirting.

Do you still have questions about Flirtcoaching by Christine Stegmann? Inform yourself at any time free of charge and without obligation or arrange your first, individual one-on-one flirt coaching appointment today.

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